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How should I spend my marketing budget?

Who should be my first hire?

How do I set goals for my business?

Should I take on a partner?

Whether you’re the founder of a startup or leading an established organization, you don’t always have that go-to resource for support, encouragement, or guidance. Friends and family are great, but sometimes you need to work with someone who has lived through what you’re trying to do. Someone who knows what it’s like to worry about making payroll or waking up at 2am with night sweats.

For those who are committed to continual improvement, Redhawk offers one-on-one coaching tailor-made for entrepreneur leaders—focused on driving results and offering a level of customized development not available through books, seminars, or casual mentors.

Our Wingman coaching program can help those who need to:

  • Develop strategic leadership skills
  • Improve decision-making
  • Gain confidence as the “boss”
  • Validate business ideas or new initiatives
  • Have access to an unbiased, outside perspective
  • Access an outlet to share frustrations
  • Prioritize opportunities
  • Find an advocate

Geared for those who may not be able to hire Redhawk for a formal consulting engagement, Wingman provides access to the same experts and resources in a smaller serving. Wingman can make a material impact on your ability to act strategically. We work with individuals and companies looking to improve their overall effectiveness and performance.

Our advisors have started, grown, and profitably exited companies. The roster is made up of highly qualified business people with degrees and certifications from Harvard, Wharton, Emory and Vanderbilt. We know entrepreneurs. We walk in those same shoes every day.


  • Two one hour meetings per month
    • The first meeting is used to outline the problem or question you need help with, develop solutions, and set short-term goals
    • The second meeting is a follow-up and accountability meeting

Contact us at for more information.

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Just-in-Time Resources for Entrepreneurial Businesses