Credda: The Lawfully Good Leasing Company

The only thing better than competing in a business competition is enjoying one from the audience. You get all the thrills of watching energetic young businesses share their value propositions and competitive advantages, with none of the chest-crushing stress that comes from waiting for your own results. All pitch, no panic attacks.

That’s how I met Credda. This leasing company out of Spartanburg, SC pitched at the 36/86 semi-final held at Iron City on April 6 of this year. I immediately loved their story and their commitment to providing empathetic service to leasing customers.

I got to visit them in June and help them identify their core brand values. I’ve done this for dozens of companies—it not only informs your marketing messages and corporate culture, it also helps you make business decisions and communicate your purpose to a variety of stakeholders.

This was the first time I found a company who had more than a set of core brand values—they had a moral alignment. This nerdy term comes from Dungeons & Dragons and helps define a character’s outlook on life. The tool has been used to describe lots of characters outside the role-playing game universe, too.

Here’s an overview of the concept:


What I love about Credda is that they are inarguably the Lawful Good. They’re unceasing in their approach to helping their clients make money while helping their end customers save money. They do it through rigorous analytics, relentless legal compliance, and an empathetic outlook wherein they put themselves in customers’ shoes.

credda core brand value map for blog.001

What’s your company’s moral alignment? How does it fit with your core brand values? Do you know your core brand values? Do they separate you from the pack, or are they generic? The better your values describe what’s unique about your company, the more likely they are to help differentiate you in the marketplace.


Welcome Marketing & Digital Consultant Jen Barnett!

Redhawk Consulting is excited to add Jen Barnett to our consulting team. You may know Jen from her businesses Freshfully and Bottle & Bone, both local Birmingham food endeavors with e-commerce components. She also has 24 years of marketing experience with clients from hospitals and banks to foodservice and retail. She’s worked with blue-chip veterans and day-old start-ups on marketing and digital strategy, web development, and branding.

Jen has an MBA from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, with concentrations in marketing and innovation.

She spoke at TEDx Birmingham on being brave, one of the core tenets of entrepreneurship. Watch her talk below.

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